Chlorella Pure
Chlorella Pure
  • 100.000+ HAPPY CUSTOMERS

Impressive quality. We've transitioned all of our supplements to sunnygoat because they offer high quality at a reasonable cost.


Verfied Purchase

Chlorella Pure

5.0/ 5 based on 8 reviews

Revitalize with Chlorella Pure: Your daily green powerhouse! Energize, detox, and embrace the wellness revolution with Sunnygoat’s microalgae marvel. 🌿💚✨



Impressive quality. We've transitioned all of our supplements to sunnygoat because they offer high quality at a reasonable cost.

Anna Verified Purchase

Things are looking good. The delivery was within the estimated time frame. I haven't noticed any significant changes in my overall health yet, but I've only just started taking these. I'll keep taking them and see if there are any noticeable changes.

Aubrey Verified Purchase

5-star review perfectly sums up my experience with Chlorella Pure. I've been using it to detox from mercury exposure and combat IBS issues. The results are impressive – it genuinely eliminates toxins from the body.

Brian K. Verified Purchase

I make it a daily habit to take a few because, let's face it, we don't always get enough greens. The freshness is evident from the smell, and they just scream healthy. Will definitely be a repeat buyer!

Deborah Verified Purchase

I've been a Chlorella Pure user, I find it immensely helpful for various health issues. The broken cell wall adds to its effectiveness. It's a staple in my health routine.

Ronald F. Verified Purchase

My doctor recommended Chlorella Pure, and the positive results keep me taking it a year later. Now, both my son and brother are on board – a testament to its effectiveness.

Jason Verified Purchase


8 Reviews

Impressive quality. We've transitioned all of our supplements to sunnygoat because they offer high quality at a reasonable cost.


Things are looking good. The delivery was within the estimated time frame. I haven't noticed any significant changes in my overall health yet, but I've only just started taking these. I'll keep taking them and see if there are any noticeable changes.

Brian K.

5-star review perfectly sums up my experience with Chlorella Pure. I've been using it to detox from mercury exposure and combat IBS issues. The results are impressive – it genuinely eliminates toxins from the body.


I make it a daily habit to take a few because, let's face it, we don't always get enough greens. The freshness is evident from the smell, and they just scream healthy. Will definitely be a repeat buyer!

Ronald F.

I've been a Chlorella Pure user, I find it immensely helpful for various health issues. The broken cell wall adds to its effectiveness. It's a staple in my health routine.


My doctor recommended Chlorella Pure, and the positive results keep me taking it a year later. Now, both my son and brother are on board – a testament to its effectiveness.


Chlorella Pure is a quality product, and it's a great recommendation from my specialist. What's even better is that it comes at a more affordable price compared to other options.

David M

Chlorella Pure has been a game-changer for me, particularly in detoxifying the body. The mental boost and increased energy are tangible benefits that I've experienced firsthand. A real CPU upgrade for the body!

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